The celebrity Christian gospel singer, and Award Winning Artist, Dunsin Oyekan escaped death in a ghastly car accident that erupted along the Lagos-Ibadan Express yesterday the 3rd of September.

The keep of Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers, God watches over His children mostly come through when there are odds not for them.
Nothing would happen to anyone that serves God unless the Lord's purpose is manifested.
“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, If you are looking for a miracle, this is a miracle standing here,” he said.
I now begin to think about Christianity as a kind of mind that never back down in the face of death. The followers of Christ are not afraid of death when it comes to service. Dunsin Oyekan demonstrated this mind and commitment to the work of God.
Great is the Lord, that saves His people from all evils.
Praise God