Showing posts with label Investment and EARN Big. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Investment and EARN Big. Show all posts


How To Find A New Job or Contract

1. Networking

2. Research About the Employer

3. Build Online Reputation

4. Get Professional CV Building and Cover Letter

5. Prepare for Interview

1. Networking: Whether you feel you have an extremely small network or are blessed with a large and connected network, the way to your next job is through the people you know. The vast majority of jobs are filled through referrals -- through people recommending someone they know for a position, this is one of the secret of securing jobs or contracts faster.

2. Research About the Employer: Make no mistake; the job-seekers with the best success in job-hunting are those who have thoroughly researched prospective employers -- both from a standpoint of whether the organization's mission, focus, and culture are a fit, as well as understanding the company -- its strengths and weaknesses, key needs, and competitive information.

3. Build Online Reputation: There's no question that the Internet has to play a key role in your next job-search, but perhaps not the way you thought. The Web's power in assisting your successful job-search is not through your spending countless hours on Monster or other unfocused job boards, but through you using the Web to build your reputation and expand your network.

4. Get Professional CV Building and Cover Letter: In applying for a position with an organization or contract, submit a well customized resume and cover letter that each are tailored to the specific job requirements, utilizing the same keywords the employer uses to describe the opening. Even better, use some of the same words to describe yourself as the employer uses to describe the organization. Be professional in your cover letter writing and CV, this will go a long way because first impression last longer.

5. Prepare for Interview: Determine the type of interview and interview questions, develop thorough responses to the questions, and run through a few practice interviews. The best way to uncover the type of interview(s) to expect is simply to ask your contact at the organization. Then find sample interview questions and compose short, but focused responses that include an element of storytelling to help you remember (but not memorize).