How to maintain a high social value



Popular people offer their help because they are good at what they do and can do things that others can’t.


Offer help

People notice when someone is being helpful just to make others like them. That person needs something in return (for example, friendship), and this is where the term “needy” comes from.

In the first scenario, you are showing that you value the other person’s time by offering help with something they can’t do by themselves or that you can do more easily than they can. This is high-value help.

In the second scenario, however, you are offering to do something the other person could have done with the same effort as you– not because you believe they have a genuine need for your help, but because you want something in return (friendship). The intention behind your offer is what makes this an example of low-value help. This type of offer can result in three potential negative outcomes:

Mind your dresses 

Dresses gives an idea of how our social world operates.

How many times have you put down a book because you didn’t like the image? Or the font wasn’t what you like? Or the colour turned out to be your least favourite colour?

Just the same way we have our own biases towards certain things, objects, situations and even people, so also does society judge us according to how we dress. Dress the way you want to be addressed, and such gives inner joy to be recognize relevant in the society. 

There are online shopping malls you can order for different fashion of designs. It is not necessary that you should go for expensive items, always check your outlook through the mirror, to give accurate account of look. Make sure you accept your appearance first, and others will adore your presence.

Learn a skill

Imagine you are sitting with a group of five old friends in a high school reunion get-together, and everyone is introducing themselves and what they do. Let’s say one says he is an engineer. How does that make you feel? Another said she is a marketer. Also, take note of how you feel about that. Another said he runs a million-dollar company. The fourth person says I am a social media influencer. Now it is your turn, but you’re insecure and possibly scared to death to say; “well I am still just looking around. Haven’t gotten anything going on.”

Even if the other four friends ain't judging, you still would feel uncomfortable and unhappy. It is in our nature to want to feel important and appreciated. But living in a social world requires that we give them something to respect.

Listen more

We live in an extroverted world, which means everyone is talking and nearly no one is listening.

Going alongside the point above, speaking less gives you the ability or say the opportunity to listen more.

When Oprah Winfrey was to visit Nelson Mandela in South Africa, she was worried about what she’ll say when she gets there for the duration of the visit. To calm her down, a friend told her, why not try listening instead?

Practice good communication

Les Brown said; “once you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are.”

How we communicate is vital to how people perceive us.

Learn to be articulate and coherent. Know what you want to say, and say it as correctly as you can manage. Do not speak scared, or uncertain, you could come across as lying or ingenuine.

Good communication also involves knowing when to stay silent and focus on what others are saying. It helps to properly assimilate the topic been discussed so you do not speak off point.

Keep a low profile

A small circle has more social respect and appeal. To be among larger cycle is to be among the crowd — nothing special. And the moment you are seen as nothing special, your social worth declines.

You are the average of the five people you hang around with. We will treat you based on those people we constantly see you with. It is what it is.

practice the art of staying on a low key. Speak less about yourself. Even when asked, play it down. Never oversell. Let what you say, be only the tip of the iceberg of what there is. It's better to undersell and have them overwhelmed later on than oversell and have them underwhelmed in the end.


It was once that practice makes perfection. When you do all these, they are make you become a person you would ever see yourself to be. If you find this publication interesting and helpful on how to maintain a high social value, kindly comment below. Also share it on your social media networks to help others become like you.

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