What is a Side Hustle?
A side hustle is work completed outside of one's day job, and therefore the work tends to take place during evenings, on weekends, or during vacation breaks. ... You can start your own side hustle, or you can complete work on a freelance, contract, on-call, or part-time basis for a company.
Aspiring entrepreneurs with a strong drive can look to a side hustle as a stepping stone toward financial freedom. Your side hustle can also allow you to focus on what you're most passionate about if you don't get that satisfaction from your full-time work. It can give you the flexibility (and extra savings) to travel the world, care for the environment, or pursue causes in a more meaningful way.
If you’re planning to start a side hustle, here are 7 steps that'll help you get more traction, while you keep your day job and only source of dependable income.
7 Steps for you to Get More Attraction
- Identify your skills and Areas of Interest
- Validate Your Side Hustle With One Paying Customer
- Differentiate Yourself From Competiting for Customer
- Define Clear Goals
- Ask for Real Customer Feedback Without feedback
from your earliest customers, you'll expose your side hustle to the serious risk of failure.
- Avoid Getting Fired From Your Day Job
- Build a Sustainable Flow of Customers Before Quitting Your Day Job
My advice is to never leave your day job until your side hustle is providing you with a sustainable, growing cash flow that exceeds that reaches to at least 75 percent of what your day job pays you. Most entrepreneurs have a healthy appetite for risk, but you shouldn't plunge into anything without having a decent chance of success.
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